Bow Wow speaks out on mixed heritage and Kanye West speaks out on streaming service feud

Bow Wow says because of his mixed heritage, he's not able to actively understand the civil rights movement. But you do have some black in you correct? I think his ignorant answer to something a fan asked him was just his way of copping out and making himself sound even stupider. Bow Wow is an idiot! Point blank period! End of story. Kanye West recently spoke out on his Twitter account in regards to the ongoing beef between streaming music giants Tidal and Apple Music. Kanye feels Apple should just buy Tidal and in his words, "give the kids what they want". He says their feud is hurting the music industry and not helping it. What do you think? I think the whole making certain albums exclusive to one streaming service hurts not only the label but the artist. Even though in time most exclusive albums find their way onto the competing streaming service overtime. If I were an artist, my music would be available wherever music was sold and in every format. Music shouldn't...