Two nights ago saw the premiere of TV One's R&B Divas L.A. The show centers around singers Kelly Price, Chante Moore, Claudette Ortiz, Michel'e, Dawn(of En Vogue), and Lil' Mo. I am already reading that fans are leaning more towards this franchise being that the songs and ladies are more recognizable. Whereas some of the ladies on the Atlanta franchise were scratching the surface of obscurity. No wonder Faith Evans got up out of there. I think she was simply above the show. Anyway back to the premiere episode of R&B Divas L.A. .. I missed some pieces of the show but this recap will give you a general idea of what happened. The show opens with Kelly Price and Chante Moore getting together and having drinks. This is when Kelly Price announces that she is putting together an open mic show. Along with Kelly, Chante Moore opts to get the other girls available to which they oblige. We segway into the other singers featured and their stories being shared a la VH1's B...