Tank Arrested..Syleena Johnson on 'Marriage Boot Camp'

Tank was arrested for failing to obey an officer. The singer songwriter was pulled over after being spotted on his cell phone while driving which is illegal in California. When stopped he refused to provide his license and registration and was booked soon thereafter. Hmm looks like Tank found himself in the tank! Speaking of being in the tank, Syleena Johnson(of R&B Divas Atlanta) and her husband are just two of the newest couples to appear on WE's Marriage Boot Camp. The show in its second season details the stormy relationships between famed celebrity couples and the demons they face. I've only watched the show one time and I fell asleep on it. I actually saw it while I was visiting my sister because where I'm from, we don't have WE TV. Another thing I saw was that Fantasia's baby daddy wants full custody of their 13 year old child. First of all, let me say I didn't realize Fantasia's daughter was 13. I figured she was like 7 or 8 for some reason. It was just last week when Fantasia had to defend her relationship with a former convicted felon. Let me say that we all know Fantasia may not be the best at picking men to date but let her do her. Hopefully she maintains custody of her child. I don't think she is doing anything to endanger her child. I always see Fantasia working and getting a check to support her child. You can't be mad at that! 


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