Suge Knight Arrested..Benzino & Althea Fired From 'Love & Hip Hop Atlanta'
UNDER ARREST: Suge Knight was arrested for robbery a few days ago. It surprises me to hear that a celebrity, no matter what their status is financially would rob someone. I think it makes you look like a huge fool. I mean have you fallen that bad on hard times? LOVE & GET OUT: Speaking of hard times, Althea and Benzino of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta received their walking papers earlier this week. The couple who were involved in the melee started by Joseline Hernandez got the boot. It didn't help that Benzino lashed out at EP(Executive Producer) Mona Scott Young for siding with Joseline and Stevie J. I mean are you all really surprised though by them getting let go? In a perfect world, Joseline and Stevie would get fired but they do make the show for me as well as everyone else even no neck Benzino and HOthea! LOL!